Image London park

Hello, my name is Sarah Shewaye and I identify as a proud first generation American. My father was born and raised in rural Ethiopia and emigrated to Oregon when he was 18. My mother is ethnically half Russian and half Ukrainian and was raised around the USSR. She emigrated to Oregon as a refugee when she was 21. I am a first generation college student as neither of my parents had the opportunity to attend a four year university.

Image On London Eye

I am very grateful to take part in the PathwayOregon sponsored study abroad program. Before my flight to London, I had never gotten on a plane alone in my life. While I have traveled around the US and Mexico with my family, I have never even driven more than two hours away by myself. Many other PathwayOregon scholars were in the same boat of lacking travel experience which meant that the program extensively prepared us before we left. Every detail was laid out for us in the pre-departure meetings. I took many notes so once I landed in London, I knew exactly where to go and what to do.

Arriving in London, I immediately was struck by the cultural and ethnic diversity. Growing up in Salem, Oregon as a mutli-ethnic person meant that there was not many people that looked like me. I am very grateful for my childhood but I recognize the impact of being raised as a person of color in predominantly white spaces. Especially as someone who presents as an ethnically ambiguous person, it makes you particularly aware that you look different from almost everyone around you.

Looking around in London, I not only saw many people of color but also a variety of languages, nationalities, and religions represented. Although this is expected in a major city, I am truly taken aback at how diverse London is. It is quite refreshing and deeply liberating to walk around and to see people that look like me. I don't feel ostracized and somehow innately different from those around me. In the best way possible, the bustling streets of London makes me feel small and just like everyone else. Here I am not the token person of color but rather, I am just Sarah in the city, and I love it.

By Sarah Shewaye, Diverse Ducks Ambassador

London in a Global Context, Summer 2023

Read more from Sarah

Finding Gratitude & Comfort Abroad
Transitioning Home After 7 Weeks Abroad