Students stand on a boat looking out into the ocean

Going abroad as a non-traditional student

Image My name is Elise O’Brien and I am a multidisciplinary scholar, a masters student in two programs: Folklore studies and Landscape Architecture. I am also a nontraditional student and a student parent. I love to work internationally and I…
A young woman stands on a busy street in Tokyo at night

Coming Back from the Dream

My time in Japan was a dream, with each day offering something new. In Tokyo, I explored ancient Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines that have stood for over a thousand years, enjoyed the lively atmosphere of annual Sakura (Cherry Blossom) festivals during their peak season, and spent evenings…
A young woman stands in a city square

Reflecting on my experience in Madrid

Coming back to the US from Madrid was a mix of emotions. I felt grateful to return to my friends and family, but it was very hard to say goodbye to friends in Spain. During the last few days in Spain, I felt really nostalgic about everything. I was sad to ride the metro for the last time, sad to…
Izzy de Klerk posing in front of a lake in Italy

Returning, Reuniting and Reflecting

Returning to the U.S. after my study abroad experience in Siena was truly a whirlwind of emotions. The transition from the cobblestone streets and rich culture of Italy to the familiarity of home was very bittersweet. I remember feeling exhausted from the journey yet eager to reunite with my loved…
Student Zoe Tomlinson posing in front of the Tokyo skyline

Introduction - Interning in Tokyo

Hi travelers, I’m Zoe! This spring term, I am thrilled to be living in Tokyo, Japan doing a data science internship with a software company called Dataseed that specializes in sustainable and equitable AI.   As a queer woman in a male-dominated field, I find meeting people with similar…
Zoe Tomlinson taking a mirror selfie with a friend on an escalator

Navigating Japan knowing no Japanese

When I moved to Japan for my spring term, the extent of my language proficiency was 72 “days” of Duolingo Japanese. I was ready to take on language exchange, excited by the prospect of leaving with a solid, beginner-level Japanese skillset. However, I have lived here for a month now and my Japanese…
Student Isabelle de Klerk posing in front of a Tuscany landscape

Reflecting on My Study Abroad Journey: Embracing Diversity, Overcoming Challenges, and Finding Growth

As I sit down to reflect on my study abroad journey, I can't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. It's been an incredible adventure, filled with breathtaking sights, enriching experiences, and valuable lessons. Yet, it hasn't been without its challenges, particularly as an African American woman…
Student Emma Egbert posing in front of a painted ceiling in Madrid

Connecting with people and culture in Madrid

Image I am loving my time abroad more than ever the past few weeks. I had an adjustment period where I missed home and my connections in Eugene, however there was a turning point when I began to feel close with others in my program here. Here…
Brynli riding on a camel in the desert

Budgeting 101: Managing Your Finances Abroad

Image When you’re abroad, it’s easy to lose track of your spending. There are so many new things to try and places to visit. Before you know it, you’re looking at your bank account wondering where all your saved-up money went. After…
Kaden standing near buildings in Germany

Mitigating Culture Shock While Abroad

According to the omnipresent Oxford English Dictionary, culture shock is defined as, “the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes.” It can be extremely intimidating to arrive in a new place where there…