Living Abroad in Your Skin

Monday, May 24, 2021
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Watch the Recording

Image Living Abroad in Your Skin branded graphic
Join a conversation about identity experiences abroad.

Four student panelists, including three currently studying abroad in London and South Korea, will share their diverse backgrounds and stories of their experiences as well as reflect on what it's been like to live and study abroad this term. The current UO students will also be joined by a UO study abroad alumnus who studied in China and can share her experience as it relates to her career and post-graduation life.

All are welcome to join the conversation to hear how personal identities can be expressed in a global context.


Image students "throwing the O" in London spring 2021
Student Panelists

Andromeda Blair, currently studying in London

Efren Leon Guerrero, living in Mexico studying remotely at UO

Ava Jamerson, studied in China

Anna Kien, currently studying in South Korea

Pablo Macias, currently studying in London

Moderated by Rosa Chavez, Associate Director, Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence

Read more student perspectives