Reflections After Coming Home

Coming home from such large experiences always trigger a period of required rest for me. I tend to return and collapse into a minimum of a week of recuperation, sometimes longer. This adjustment period is a mix of many things: recovery from burnout, culture shift, and just the sheer need to process the beauty and magnitude of my time abroad. Thankfully, I know this about myself and am able to make the return home an easier process than my arrival in a foreign country. My biggest recommendation for students returning home is to be kind and honest with yourself.

Clark Honors College: Pre-Freshman Studies in London

Can’t wait for college to begin? Get a head start on your University of Oregon academic career while studying in one of the most diverse cities in the world on Global Education Oregon’s study abroad program. This program is exclusive to high school students with high academic achievements— while aimed toward Honors College admits, merit students who have received scholarships such as Apex, Summit, Presidential, or Stamps may also apply.

Challenging Preconceptions in the Land of Teraanga: NGO Work and French Study in Senegal

When I decided to intern in Senegal for two months this spring, I didn’t quite know what to expect. It would be my first time in Africa and my first visit to a French-speaking country, despite having only taken one term of French prior to boarding the plane there. And yet it was with excitement and optimism—though not without a smidge of trepidation—that I committed to two months of NGO work and intensive French study in a country that I knew little about. So why did I choose to do my GlobalWorks internship in Senegal in the first place?