My voice and opinions were valued

The organization that I interned with is a tech start-up called Homer. Homer is a home organization phone application aimed at making the lives of homeowners easier by creating a digital home binder in which users can input all their home appliances, manuals, maintenance schedules etc. I worked in marketing for the company; however, they do not currently have a marketing department due to the nature of being a start-up. 

Coming Back from the Dream

My time in Japan was a dream, with each day offering something new. In Tokyo, I explored ancient Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines that have stood for over a thousand years, enjoyed the lively atmosphere of annual Sakura (Cherry Blossom) festivals during their peak season, and spent evenings wandering the vibrant, lit-up streets of Shibuya, Ginza and Shinjuku.

Reflecting on my experience in Madrid

Coming back to the US from Madrid was a mix of emotions. I felt grateful to return to my friends and family, but it was very hard to say goodbye to friends in Spain. During the last few days in Spain, I felt really nostalgic about everything. I was sad to ride the metro for the last time, sad to get my favorite coffee for the last time — everything felt meaningful and sad to leave behind. It took a lot of work to get everything in order to leave. After being in Spain for several months, I had accumulated a lot of stuff, and it took many hours to pack.

Navigating challenges in Ghana

Hi, my name is Miriam Escoto! I am going into my junior year at UO, as a Global Studies major with minors in Global Health and Non-Profit Administration. I am a Mexican American student, a big part of my identity that has influenced my future career goals. As I have grown up learning how to straddle the two different cultures I identify with, I have become extremely interested in cross-cultural understanding, particularly in communities abroad. This summer, I am studying abroad through GEO on the Global Health and Service Learning in Ghana program.

The highlight of my adventure in Barcelona

Spending a term living, working, and experiencing Barcelona was incredible. I was placed with a fashion brand called AMEOS Eyewear. They offer unique, luxury sunglasses in flashy colors and fun designs. The work experience was the highlight of my adventure. Running around the city alongside my boss helped me feel like a local. A typical day consisted of designing AD's, meeting with partner businesses, and planning and executing photoshoots. I was lucky enough to be placed in a company that had a startup mindset with big brand success.

Stepping outside of my comfort zone

I was fortunate enough to receive the Gilman Scholarship, which is available for Pell Grant recipients. Receiving the Gilman Scholarship made it possible for me to study abroad. Prior to my time in London, I had never been to Europe or flown on an airplane alone. It was an exciting experience that helped me step outside of my comfort zone and become much more independent. I loved all of the architecture in London, and the abundance of art and museums. I highly encourage anyone contemplating studying abroad in London to go for it.

An incredible experience in Segovia, Spain

I absolutely loved studying abroad in Segovia. My host family and the entire GEO staff were so welcoming and made me feel incredibly safe. Everyone that I met in Segovia was so friendly, and being able to meet the friends and family of my host family was an incredible experience. I loved being able to practice Spanish every day without a fear of embarrassment. In Segovia, we got to experience concerts in the main plaza, lots of local holidays, and beautiful sunsets. We also got to take super interesting field trips, but at the end, we were all excited to return back to Segovia.

The highlight of my college experience

Studying abroad through the Politics in London program was for sure one of the highlights of my college experience. Taking classes in the heart of a city like London was such an amazing experience and I am so fortunate that the University of Oregon offers programs like this. As a huge soccer fan, I was able to see my favorite childhood soccer team play their first game of the season! It was also so incredible learning about British politics from Professor Andrew Whitehead who was until recently a Lead Editor for BBC World News.

A new and immersive experience

For my Spring 2023 internship in Dakar, Senegal, I spent two months working with GEEP, an NGO that works on issues of youth development and public health, particularly with respect to sexual health education, gender-based violence, and related issues. As an intern, my duties included analyzing pedagogical documents and drafting synthetic reports about the curriculum developed in primary and secondary schools throughout the country. I also engaged in videography and fieldwork for outreach purposes.