The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff) is an award offered to students at specific Oregon universities, including the UO, that supports graduate student international research.

The goal of the Sylff Program is to nurture future leaders who will transcend geopolitical, religious, ethnic, and cultural boundaries in the world community for the peace and the well-being of humankind. General information about Sylff programs is available at: (link is external) (Please note that the awards listed on the Sylff website under the "Support Programs" tab are additional award opportunities for students who already have a Sylff award).

Stipends vary, with up to $14,000 for Oregon Sylff doctoral fellows and up to $7,000 for Oregon Sylff master's-level fellows. Stipends are disbursed over the academic year to assist with educational and research-related expenses. In recent years, seven to ten awards have been made.

Must be full-time degree seeking MA or PhD students, pursuing projects or programs with an international dimension.

Visit the UO Grad School website for more details on how to appply for a SYLFF Fellowship Award.


Application deadline(s)

Friday, April 28, 2017