Reacting to the Past

This course employs an exciting approach to learning called Reacting to the Past. Reacting courses consist of elaborate games, set in the past, in which students are assigned roles informed by historical texts, emerging scientific discoveries, and geographic locations in London. In this class, you will learn to construct arguments from these texts and then support your positions through reasoned, sometimes impassioned, writing and speeches.

European History and Politics

European History and Politics will provide you with an historical understanding of European integration and insight into the political development of key member-states of the European Union. The course deals with the two existing and interlinked realities of national and non-national government and politics in important European states such as France, Germany and Britain. We will cover the political history of these states, their institutional arrangements and some important social dynamics within the states.

Hispanic Heritage

Este curso ha sido especialmente diseñando para los llamados hablantes de herencia, aquellos que a través de la interacción familiar fueron criados en un país de lengua no hispana pero en un ambiente de gran conexión cultural con el español. Estos estudiantes han crecido oyendo y, posiblemente hablando, en español en su entorno familiar, pero se sienten más cómodos en el idioma dominante de su país. No obstante, poseen una elevada motivación para perfeccionar su idioma “de herencia” y buscan una reconexión con sus raíces familiares.

Intensive Oxford Tutorial

Six to eight quarter credits.An eight-week, very Intensive Oxford Tutorial course, taught in the Oxford style by a regular Oxford tutor. The tutorial will be in a subject selected from a list of 130+ diverse options, presumably but not necessarily in the your major. In some cases, self-selected tutorial topics can be arranged for this "bigger" tutorial course, though not all subjects are available.

Law, Society and Politics in Comparative Perspective

This course is ideal if you have an interest in social sciences—in particular, history, sociology or political science—or in law. It is designed as an undergraduate class, but the variety of students taking this course typically ranges from first-year students to post-graduate students. This experiential diversity provides unique opportunities for you to learn from your classmates.

Soccer and Nationalism in Spain and Spanish America

This class will explore the complex and intertwined history of soccer in Spain and Spanish America from the late nineteenth century to present times, using nationalism as the core thematic focus. We will study the origins of soccer in both Spain and Spanish America, the ways in which it intersected with political and ideological projects of nation-state formation, and its centrality as a powerful symbol of national and regional identities.

The History of France

The France of today has its foundations in the France of yesterday. The objective of this course is to have students discover the prestigious past of a nation whose foundations go far back in time. In the fall, you will begin with the time of Roman Gaul and continue to the time of Louis XIV, while the spring course begins with the French Revolution and continues to the late 20th century. Fall Quarter, Fall and Spring Semesters, levels B1-C1. Download the syllabus for more details.Façonnée par plusieurs siècles d’Histoire, la France a une identité culturelle forte.