Throughout the first two weeks of studying abroad I have had so many different experiences throughout the city of London. Being able to experience so many variations of museums, attractions, and for me architecture especially has been the most special aspect of studying abroad. There is never a dull day with the amount of exploration that is possible. For me it has been difficult to navigate the amount of exploration alone because it is hard to understand what is easily accessible and affordable while entertaining at the same time. Being a part of a Pathway Oregon student program has helped release the financial stress of spending money abroad, but I have noticed I am holding back on spending my money on experiences abroad. Saving money is important, but in the last few days I have realized it is possible to spend more money on activities while still being smart financially. Studying abroad is a once in a lifetime experience and you should not hold yourself back to the point of missing new opportunities.
In terms of culture shift the United Kingdom has been a very welcoming community and, in some ways, feels resemblant of Oregon (especially in terms of weather). Although there are times you make mistakes in terms of normal local customs, most people are understanding and will happily help you if needed. The most awkward experiences I have encountered so far is ordering food and local transportation. Some of the restaurants in London have a much different ordering system than I am used to as well as terminology. Sometimes you may say one word to a local that means something completely different at home (like chips actually being french fries) but can usually be understood just through some extra awkward conversation. Although this is a minor inconvenience it is important to understand that even though the dominant language of the United Kingdom is English, there are still so many different words and cultural norms that may reflect something completely different to you at home. When it comes to local transportation it is very difficult to navigate within the first week or so because of its complex advancements compared to the United States. For example, there are many ways to get lost in local transport and if you are in the way or in a big crowd locals will clearly be mad at you. I have found it is beneficial to really understand where you are going and how before you just try to act like you know. Preparation is a hug part to studying abroad, it will help the process of everything flow so much better and relieve lots of stress.
Overall, the biggest lesson I have learned from the first two weeks of studying abroad in London is the thought of finding balance in your experiences. Whether that is a balance of spending, sleep, or studying. Understanding your own relationship with the change in daily life is important to the overall enjoyment of studying abroad. The biggest factors that have brought me balance throughout my experience are budgeting and time management, which help me relieve stress on factors that I should not have to dwell on during a once in a lifetime experience.
By Ashtin Neikes, Diverse Duck Ambassador
London in a Global Context, Summer 2024