Student Guide
The information provided in this Student Guide is designed to help you prepare for a successful study abroad experience.
If you have any questions about the Student Guide or about your specific program, feel free to contact a GEO Advisor.
Getting Started | Planning to Go Abroad | While Abroad | Returning to the US | Policies and Regulations | Parent Guide

Getting Started
Study abroad is a unique experience that often leads students to personal growth and cultural immersion, and one that can help develop academic and professional skills. Dive into the links below to get started!

Planning to Go Abroad
GEO looks forward to working with you as you decide to pursue a unique international experience as part of your education. Follow the steps below to get ready for your trip.

While Abroad
Staying in a new country is an adjustment, but GEO is here to help. The following resources answer commonly asked questions and offer information that is useful to reference during your experience.

Returning to the US
Congratulations on your study abroad experience! We hope that your program was enriching, challenging, and rewarding. Below is information about readjusting, ways you can leverage what you've learned, and more.