Live and study in one of Spain’s most beautiful and historically interesting cities. Located just 20 minutes northwest of Madrid by high-speed train, Segovia offers an authentic cultural experience removed from the traditional tourist traps. Explore the Roman Aqueduct, the fortified palace of the Alcázar and the gothic Cathedral. Stroll through the winding alleyways, explore the surrounding medieval city wall and relax in the extensive green space bordering the city. Discover first-hand the noble façades of the old city enlivened by modern shops, stores, restaurants, cafés, and discotheques. Enjoy the fresh local tapas, learn traditional Flamenco and belly dancing, and discover the joys of an afternoon siesta. Immerse yourself in Spanish language and experience this rich, welcoming and exciting culture. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Segovia is an ideal location to experience Spanish language, society, and culture.

 Programs in Segovia

Travel-Based Programs in Segovia

For Students

Start planning your experience abroad! The GEO Segovia Center offers courses on topics such as:

  •     Intensive or semi-intensive Spanish language (intermediate and advanced)
  •     Ancient and Medieval history
  •     European Union studies
  •     Spanish Culture & Society
  •     Spanish Film, Art, & Literature
  •     Immigration, Nationalism and Border Politics

View All Programs at Our Segovia Center

For Faculty

Looking for inspiration for your programming at GEO Centers? Consider some past programs that align well with these locations.

  • Digital Photography in Spain (Segovia & Oviedo)
  • Hospitality and Tourism in Segovia


Build a Program in Segovia

Center Description

GEO’s Center in Segovia, Spain, is located in a renovated 16th century building, the Paseo del Salón, in the center of this UNESCO World Heritage city. With the capital city of Madrid only 20 minutes away via high-speed train, Segovia is convenient, easily walkable, and an eminently safe community of 55,000 people. It has the amenities of a large city, but the heart of a small town with architecture and history predating the Celts. As a gateway city to the Castilla y León region, the cultural heart of Spain, Segovia offers dozens of local events and festivals to complement its status as a “living museum.”


Students usually live with experienced host families, and one student per family is the norm. All host families offer a private room for their students, as well as shared laundry facilities, meals, and Wifi.

Potential Excursions

  • In Segovia, the city’s 2000-year-old Roman aqueduct, Jewish Quarter, Eresma Valley Route, Alcázar (castle), Cathedral, San Antonio Real Monastery, Artillery Academy, Antonio Machado Museum, Bullfighting Ring, Synagogue, Sefardí museum, Torreon de Lozoya, Segovia City Hall.
  • One day-excursions: Route of the Castles, Valsain mountains, La Granja de San Ildefonso, Salamanca, Ávila, El Prado and Reina Sofía Museums (Madrid), El Escorial, Valley of the Fallen, Toledo.  
  • Weekend excursions also available to Granada, Córdoba and Sevilla, or León and Asturias, Galicia and Santiago de Compostela, Don Quijote Route, Mérida and Extremadura, Barcelona.
  • Learn more about GEO excursions in Segovia.

Experiential Learning

Year-round there are 40 internship opportunities in different types of organizations including non-profits, education, tourism/special events, accounting/finance/banking, newspaper/radio, art/graphic design/photography, business, government, retail, engineering and computer science. All students are trained, and their work is supervised. At the end of the internship program, every student receives a Certificate of Completion. Students also participate in a 20 contact hour Internship & Service Learning Seminar and can earn credit for their experience.

Center Features

  •     Two classrooms for 45 and 20 students, respectively
  •     Student lounge/library with reference books for class topics and travel guides
  •     Workspace for visiting faculty with access to a shared printer, copier, computer; Wifi available
  •     Classroom equipment: whiteboards, an overhead, a TV, a DVD player, and a portable LCD projector
  •     Student computer access: One netbook, one computer, one printer; Wifi available

Image A girl in Segovia
Student testimony

"I absolutely loved studying abroad in Segovia. My host family and the entire GEO staff were so welcoming and made me feel incredibly safe. Everyone that I met in Segovia was so friendly, and being able to meet the friends and family of my host family was an incredible experience and I loved being able to practice Spanish every day without a fear of embarassment. In Segovia, we got to experience concerts in the main plaza, lots of local holidays, and beautiful sunsets.  It was such an incredible experience, and I think everyone should go to Segovia if they have the opportunity." 

Estella Rosen, Summer 2022


Segovia Staff

Curriculum Vitae for all staff and faculty are available upon request.

Marian Rubio Herrero
Site Director
Marian is GEO’s Segovia Center site director. Born and raised in Segovia, Marian has deep ties to the community and is extremely knowledgeable about the city, the area and all of the options available to students and faculty. With degrees in Spanish Economics, Labor Law, Spanish Social Security, English and French, Marian has taught for GEO since 1996, and she has been the Segovia Site Director since 2005.