Before you travel abroad, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the country or countries in which you will be traveling by doing the following: review online resources, talk to people who have lived or studied there, consult travel and language guidebooks, read local news sources, etc. To learn more about different facets of your host country, such as health and safety tips, information on diversity and inclusion, faith or religious resources, and other details, please review the links provided below:

US State Department and Students Abroad

General Info on your Host Country

World Health Organization

Diversity and Inclusion

Destinations and Diversity Abroad

Women Travelers

LGBTQIA Travelers – US State Department

Traveling with Disabilities

Students of faith-based communities
*UO Students can also visit the Lending Library at the Mills International Center in the EMU for valuable print resources. The Mills Center houses many collections of travel guides, travel narratives, international cookbooks, dictionaries in various languages, maps and atlases, and international newspapers and magazines. All resources can be checked out for free. Learn more about the Mills Center and the resources available by visiting their website: