Student safety and security is a top priority for GEO. We strongly recommend that you first contact your on-site staff and/or the local emergency service (911-equivalent), as they will be able to provide immediate assistance. Save the numbers for these emergency contacts in your phone and carry a paper copy with these contacts in your wallet, purse or backpack. If you are unable to make a phone call, someone else may be able to get help from the program staff if you keep this information available.

GEO provides support via a 24-hour emergency hotline. It is strongly advised that you save this number in your mobile phone contacts before going abroad.

GEO 24-hour Emergency Hotline: 503-764-4146

For less urgent issues requiring assistance, contact your GEO program coordinator by email.

Be sure to add at least two numbers to your mobile phone contacts with the contact “name” as “EMERGENCY CONTACT #1”, etc., so that someone trying to help you can easily contact your site director, host parent, and/or GEO emergency contact if you become incapacitated.

In event of a sexual assault, see the section on Women’s Safety in this guide and the University of Oregon Help for Victims and Survivors website.


In the unfortunate event that a terror attack or natural catastrophe occurs in your area while abroad, be aware that your program staff or GEO will attempt to contact you for a check-in to make sure you are safe and secure. Monitor local events and check your UO email account regularly if such an event occurs in your area or while you are traveling during off time during your program. You can be proactive and contact your program staff and GEO advisor as soon as you’re aware of an event in your area to let them know you are safe.