
Nicole Dudukovic

Siena, Italy
Course Description

Welcome to Siena and welcome to college! This course is designed to support you as you develop skills and perspectives that will assure your success in college-level classes. It will enable you to get the most out of your experience in Siena and to make a smooth transition to the University of Oregon in September. Along the way, you will identify your educational goals, personal strengths, and areas for development; become familiar with college resources and services; explore strategies for academic success such as time management, study skills, and holistic wellbeing; and make enduring connections with other students, GEO staff, and professors.

In some ways, enrolling in college is like visiting a foreign country. That's because the culture of higher education is different from other cultures you have known, even that of high school. This course builds on what you’re learning in your Siena cultural and educational experiences and offers practical advice for your future college-level success. We’re all here to learn these new cultures—Siena and college—together. If you hear words and terms you don’t understand, be sure to ask what they mean. It won’t be long before you’ll be feeling like a pro.