Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom.

Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study.

Scholars are selected based on academic merit, leadership potential, and ambassador potential. Marshall scholars will gain an understanding and appreciation of contemporary British society and the relationship between British and American peoples, their governments, and their institutions.

The objectives of the program are as follows:

  • To enable intellectually distinguished young Americans, their country's future leaders, to study in the UK. 
  • To help Scholars gain an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Britain.
  • To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in science, technology, the humanities and social sciences and the creative arts at Britain's centres of academic excellence. 
  • To motivate Scholars to act as ambassadors from the USA to the UK and vice versa throughout their lives thus strengthening British American understanding. 
  • To promote the personal and academic fulfilment of each Scholar.

The award covers university fees, tuition, books, a thesis grant, research and daily travel, plus fares to and from the U.S. Applicants need to consult the UO Faculty Representative for an institutional endorsement in fall of their junior year.


UO Office of Distinguished Scholarships,