Studying abroad in London was a dream come true for me! I was a Poli Sci major at UO (graduated 2020) and to study abroad in London during Brexit was honestly such a cool experience despite bad outcome for the UK. I think studying abroad is super important because you get to experience another culture or a place you’d never expect while there (although very expensive, so keep that in mind!). When I was in London, I got to travel to Scotland for a personal trip. My program also went to Wales, took a tour of Parliament, and got to sit in the House of Lords/be in the House of Commons (you’re not allowed to sit on the benches). I also met some of the most amazing people in the program and in the UK because I decided to give it a shot. If you want to study abroad but are worried about cost, I’d recommend the scholarships! I ended up getting one that helped cover a good part of my trip. Best of luck!

By Elizabeth West

Politics in London

Summer 2019