Ciao! I am Charlotte Stratford, an incoming first-year student studying Business Administration in the Lundquist College of Business. I am from Long Beach, California and this summer I am studying abroad with the Pre-Freshman Studies program in Siena, Italy. Throughout my life, staying active, eating well, and maintaining a stable mental health have been key pillars in my life. When preparing for my time abroad, I knew that my everyday rituals of a morning run, three well balanced meals, and exercise classes would be disrupted. Coming to Siena knowing I would need to adjust my day-to-day routines helped me remain calm.
In preparation for my time in Siena, I took on the mentality that my life would look a lot different while I was abroad. I was open to the idea of adapting to a different culture and I knew that my health and wellbeing would adjust with that. One thing that is drastically different in Siena is the culture around food. At home, I always feel as if I am in a rush to finish a meal, but in Siena, the culture around dining is much more leisurely. On our first day, we enjoyed a lengthy three-course meal while overlooking the Duomo of Siena. Unlike my typical meals at home, each dish felt handcrafted with love. I was impressed with how fresh everything tasted and could tell how much more value the Italians place on meals shared with the people around them. Connecting with my new peers over our first meal really helped my mind relax as I started to meet new people and make friends.
Another way that European life drastically differs from my life at home is the amount of walking that I have done. Everywhere we go we walk. This is great for my overall health as I feel energized and refreshed from the long strolls around the streets and alleyways of Siena. A challenge here is finding the time and space to get in my everyday workouts, though. With gyms closing early and less space than I typically have, I resorted to doing a body weight workout in the hotel room on my first night. With some brief searching, I obtained a month-long pass to a gym close by for the rest of the trip. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while abroad is definitely attainable, it just may take a bit more motivation than it does at home. Overall, I have absolutely loved Siena so far, the scenery is spectacular as wherever you wander, you are met with gorgeous medieval skylines. In the coming weeks, I cannot wait to explore more of the city around me, dive into coursework and enjoy some more amazing Italian food
By Charlotte Stratford, Diverse Duck Ambassador
Advancing Your Academic Success: Pre-Freshman Studies in Siena, Summer 2024