Growth and self-discovery in Tokyo, Japan

Hey everyone! I've just wrapped up my incredible study abroad experience in Tokyo. I thought I'd share my journey of readjustment and some pieces of wisdom I've picked up along the way. 


For those of you planning to study abroad (which you definitely should, by the way), here's a pro tip: give yourself time to readjust. It's perfectly normal to feel a bit out of sync at first. I found that keeping in touch with my friends that I made in Tokyo and incorporating little bits of my host country's culture into my daily life really helped. Also, be sure you pack some snacks from the country you visited! 

Interestingly, I found returning home more challenging than arriving in Tokyo. When I first landed abroad, everything was new and exciting. Coming back, I had to re-adjust with my old environment. It was like trying to fit my expanded worldview into my pre-study abroad life, which wasn’t easy!

One of the biggest impacts of my study abroad experience has been on how I view my own identity. Being immersed in a different culture made me reflect on my own in ways I never had before. I've come to appreciate aspects of my identity that I previously took for granted. It's like I've added new layers to who I am, and I'm still going through them all. 

To any other African American students who are on the fence about studying abroad – take the leap! Yes, it can be challenging a lot of the time, especially if you're worried about how you'll be perceived in a different culture. But let me tell you, the growth and self-discovery you'll experience are unparalleled. You'll learn so much about yourself and the world around you. Plus, your unique perspective will enrich the experience for everyone you meet. 


As I wrap up this post, I can't help but feel grateful for this incredible journey. Studying abroad has changed me in ways I'm still discovering. It's given me a global perspective, lifelong friends, and memories that I'll cherish forever. Sure, there were challenges, but they’re nothing in comparison to the growth and experiences I've gained. 

So, to anyone considering studying abroad – do it! It's an adventure that will push you, challenge you, and ultimately, help you become a more well-rounded, globally-minded individual. And when you return, embrace the journey of reintegration. It's all part of the beautiful, messy, incredible experience of studying abroad. 

By Cortez Walker, Diverse Ducks Ambassador

GlobalWorks Internship in Tokyo, Japan, Summer 2024