Oral Expression (Intermediate and Advanced)

Se dotará al estudiante de estrategias y técnicas de carácter oral para que, tras una fase de imitación y práctica controlada (más intensa en el nivel intermedio), sea capaz de elaborar sus propios textos.  En el aula se trabajarán recursos de carácter oral como pueden ser la simulaciones, la lectura teatralizada de textos, los trabalenguas o las canciones, se realizarán debates donde los alumnos deberán argumentar para expresar sus puntos de vista, un taller de lectura para mejorar la entonación y la pronunciación, etc.

Spanish Language: Intermediate in Oviedo

El objetivo de este curso es afianzar los conocimientos básicos del alumno y, sobre ellos, acceder a un nivel de compresión y expresión de tipo medio, oral y escrito, que le permita desenvolverse en situaciones corrientes de la vida que no requieran un uso especializado del lenguaje. Presentarle situaciones reales donde pueda poner en práctica sus conocimientos. Capacitar al alumno para un intercambio de informaciones en situaciones comunicativas más generales no estrictamente relacionadas con su experiencia personal.

Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition in Segovia (Spring Semester)

This course has been designed for students who have already acquired a high level of Spanish and want to move up to mastery level. Specifically, you will practice advanced grammar structures to improve both your written and oral skills. The course also includes a review of advanced vocabulary, mainly the use of idiomatic words and phrases, which allows you to master the skills of the language. This course is based on an eclectic methodology that makes use of different approaches to achieve a complete integration of spanish civilization and culture.

Spain and Its Role in the European Union (Spring Semester)

This course gives a broad vision of the present situation of Spain and the countries that currently make up the European Union. At the same time, the institutions and the government agencies of the European Union are studied to understand the reach and future possibilities that this supranational organization offers as a united block immersed in today's world. Lastly, we will analyze the single currency, the Euro, and its impact on the economic future of the “Euro Zone” and the rest of the world’s economic powers.

Spanish Grammar and Conversation in Segovia (Spring Semester)

This is as an intermediate level course that helps consolidate your prior knowledge of the Spanish language helping you acquire confidence, not only in understanding the language, but also in using the target language properly. You will not only have access to the language in a real context, but you will also gain cultural knowledge (traditions and social etiquette) which will help you understand the Spanish speaking world. Your interaction with the instructor will be ongoing in class.

Asturian Environmental Persuasion

This course explores what communicators can do to serve the Principality of Asturias and the country of Spain with skills of persuasion. Learn to bust the myths that persuasion is synonymous with propaganda, unethical sales, or product marketing by applying ethical persuasion strategies grounded in rhetorical theory and social scientific data to contemporary environmental issues such as ecotourism and wildlife conservation in Asturias.

The Spanish People in Words and Images

This course uses the method of communication analysis to explore questions of how Spain is depicted in public messages, and how that compares and contrasts with our own experiences of Spain. Search for the answers in many different kinds of public messages including films, stories, speeches, songs, poems, podcasts, websites, museums, architecture, paintings, sculptures, advertisements and more. 

Music, Arts, and Culture in London

London’s vibrant cultural life and history provide the setting for an immersive three-week course exploring music performed throughout this world capitol. From the serenity of Evensong to the raucousness of a West End musical, students will engage with a wide variety of musical genres throughout the course. Students will learn to listen critically and analytically to music originating from a wide variety of historical eras and born from diverse circumstances. An interdisciplinary approach will encourage students to consider music in relation to the art and culture surrounding its creation.

Global Culture

Culture surrounds us. The movies we watch, the clothes we wear, the stories we tell, and the music we listen to all contribute to our individual and collective identities. For much of human history, culture has been shaped by our local environments, but today we live in a time in which commodities, bodies, and information flow easily across borders.