Second Year Spanish – Composition

This intensive course is part of a complementary three-class curriculum including Grammar A2 and Conversation A2, which together cover the second year of Spanish (SPAN 201-202-203). In this writing course the students of intermediate level produce different types of texts, such as: descriptive, narrative, argumentative and expository in situations of daily and academic use.

Second Year Spanish – Conversation

This intensive course is part of a three-class complementary curriculum including Writing A2 and Grammar A2, which together cover the second Spanish year (SPAN 201-202-203). In this course students practice intermediate grammar of Spanish with fun oral dynamics so that students develop their production more, have confidence speaking in everyday situations.

Spanish History

This course is offered at the 2nd year Spanish (A2) level. It examines the history of Spain from the Paleolithic to the present, focusing on the main political, social, economic and cultural transformations and the different historical moments that forms the basis of Spain.

Cultural Landscape Documentation and Analysis

International concern for significant cultural landscapes has expanded in recent years. This course teaches the principles, methods and tools of cultural landscape documentation and analysis, engaging a number of sites in Beijing and Hangzhou for the theoretical and practical application of cultural landscape principles. The focus is on the interaction of cultural and natural systems, and analyzing the manner in which human activity has shaped significant heritage landscapes.

Heritage Conservation Planning and Design

Landscape of heritage have great meaning for peoples across the globe. This course explores the meaning, significance, design, and future of heritage landscapes in China, with attention to landscapes designed and built in Beijing and Hangzhou during various dynasties.This course includes readings, field exploration and analysis, and the development of planning and design concepts for the protection and conservation of these significant landscapes and heritage sites in the context of contemporary China.

Business Administration Leadership & Communication

Business Leadership and Communication involves the use of interpersonal skills and strategies to become an effective business leader. This course dives into a subset of skills that hone in on using professionalism to establish connections with those in other organizations, while building and maintaining an effective, goal-oriented team. We examine the context in which business leaders build beneficial networks around their teams and propel their organizations into the future.