Loving my Time Abroad

I am loving my time abroad more than ever the past few weeks. I had an adjustment period where I missed home and my connections in Eugene, however there was a turning point when I began to feel close with others in my program here. Here in Madrid, the students have single dorm rooms. I was excited for this at first, but the first few weeks I did find myself a bit lonely. I started to realize I needed to take every opportunity to spend time with others, especially since my internship is a bit challenging socially (only 1 English speaker).

Going back home after 6 months in Norwich

Upon returning to the United States after spending 6 months in Norwich, England, I found myself to be quite tired. Obviously jet lag catches up with you, and all of the traveling, but I spent much of my summer relaxing. I found I had a lot of things I missed about living in Oregon, the nature, and certain places that I always go to with my family. I found it to be easier to return home, in the sense that I wasn’t nervous to meet people; but also difficult because I was leaving the people I met in England, and that was for a more indefinite amount of time.

A Chance to Experience the Korean 빨리 빨리 Life

What a ride, the life of an individual who lives in South Korea is very intense. As a Latina and an Americana I am astonished at the type of lifestyle you live in this country, it is so hard and admirable. My time abroad has been full of lessons and experiences that I am so grateful to be learning. South Korea is, I would say 90% how I expected it to be before arriving, and the opportunity to come and sit among locals, walk through their day to day streets and shop at their favorite places is something amazing to be able to experience.