French Language

Required for all beginner and elementary students.Les objectifs sont:Développer des connaissances dans des domaines variés de la vie socialeAcquérir et développer des stratégies d’apprentissage visant à l’autonomieCompréhension écrite : comprendre l’essentiel d’annonces, de messages simples et de documents informatifsCompréhension orale : comprendre des expressions quotidiennes et des messages courtsExpression écrite : produire des textes courts et simples sur des sujets familiersExpression orale : se présenter et présenter quelqu’un de manière simple.

Gender, Race, and Class in Religions in the UK

This course examines many of the religious traditions found throughout the UK with special attention to issues of gender, race, social class, immigration status, and sexual identity within the tradition. Drawing from perspectives from women, gender, and sexuality studies, ethnic studies, religious studies, history, and sociology of religion, we will explore the intersection of religion with significant global issues for the 21st century.

German Language and Culture in Berlin

Course information can be found here:FUBiS Term II/ GEO Summer Term I 2019 Course InformationFUBiS Term III/ GEO Summer Term II 2019 Course InformationNot all courses listed are offered every term. Course offerings are subject to change depending on enrollment and availability. Please note, FUBiS term names do not match GEO term names. Refer to your GEO application for more information.

Ghana Health and Society

This course is intended to enhance students’ understanding of health issues within the context of the developing world, with Ghana as a focus. Consequently, the nexus between the health status of the people and their socio-political habitus will be discussed. In this regard, students will be introduced to a wide range of macro issues such as the impact of colonialism, globalization and political economy on the health of Ghanaians. Other issues such as the social and cultural beliefs and practices that impact on the health-seeking behavior of the people will also be examined.

Ghana Today

This is an interdisciplinary course designed to study some of the major contemporary issues facing Ghanaian society after 50 years of independence from British colonial rule. Students interested in sociology, history, political science, economics, and cultural studies will find this course of particular interest as its subject matter dovetails with each of these related disciplines.