Business Simulation in Angers

This course aims to refresh and update your understanding of management principles. It will help you develop your own skills as future managers and serve to identify features of excellent companies in which you may wish to work. The first part of the course is a review of fundamental concepts of management and management processes. It is centered on the main functions of management such as planning, organization, leadership and controlling. The second and main part of the course will be a business strategy game which applies the theoretical knowledge acquired in the first part of the course.

Contemporary European Politics

The objective of this course is to provide a good understanding of the numerous political and economic challenges the European Union faces today. Based on a good fundamental knowledge of geographic, economic and demographic realities of Europe, the course will be strongly focused on the current state of the Union, between attempts at institutional reform, the sovereign debt crisis, and the issues surrounding monetary union and the stability pact. It will also revise some major policies and have a critical assessment of current attitudes and strategies towards European integration.

Economic Theory and Globalization

In this course you will address contemporary economic and social issues through the lens of major thinkers in the intellectual tradition of political economy such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Hayek, and John Rawls. Its aim is to understand the problems that arise from the growth of international markets and globalization in connection with post-industrial societies.

Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 1–Identités

 Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente. Ce cours No. 1 tente de décrypter les formes de construction et les dynamiques identitaires qui sont à l'oeuvre dans la France d'aujourd'hui.

Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 2–Patrimoine

Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente. Ce cours No.

Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 3-Pouvoirs

Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente.Ce cours No. 3 est axé sur les problèmes de l'exercice du pouvoir politique qui sont spécifiques à la France d'aujourd'hui.

Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 4–Cultures

Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente.Ce cours No.

Operations Management 1 in Angers

Operations management is the management of all processes in a firm which enable it to produce and sell products and services to its customers. It is vital to understand how wealth is created by firms. The scope of operations management ranges across an organization: product and service design, process design and improvement, quality management, supply and distribution management, etc. This is an introductory course that enables you to grasp the necessary concepts involved and understand the implications of their interactions.

Wine Marketing in Angers

The objective of the course is twofold. First, it aims at giving you a broad overview of the world wine market and of its economic, social and regulatory patterns. Based on a description of the functions performed by the various members of the wine supply-chain–illuminating what makes it specific compared to FMCGs–it then explains the need for an adapted marketing mix.

Rediscovery of Humanity: Renaissance in Central Italy

This course offers you a journey through the rich pageant of Renaissance art and culture, giving you the critical tools with which to analyze, understand and appreciate more fully the works of art produced in central Italy from the mid-thirteenth to mid-fifteenth centuries. We will look closely at the way in which changing styles in art reflected contemporary history and cultural attitudes.