Spanish Culture and Civilization: The Formation of Spain: From the Beginning to the Borbón Dynasty

This course aims to give you a basic idea of Spanish culture and civilization through a study of the main elements of the culture. In this way, you will travel from the Paleolithic age to the eighteenth century. You will witness the most important social and historical events that built the essence of Spain, which are the same cultural characteristics you will experience during this course.

Spanish Grammar and Conversation in Segovia

This is as an intermediate level course that helps consolidate your prior knowledge of the Spanish language helping you acquire confidence, not only in understanding the language, but also in using the target language properly. You will not only have access to the language in a real context, but you will also gain cultural knowledge (traditions and social etiquette) which will help you understand the Spanish speaking world. Your interaction with the instructor will be ongoing in class.This course is offered in Block C of the Spring Quarter.

Spanish Literature from Dictatorship to Postmodernism (1939-2010)

Esta clase está dedicada al estudio de la literatura española del periodo de la Dictadura de Franco desde 1939, en el tiempo de la postguerra en el que la sociedad española carece de libertades y el contraste con el nuevo periodo que se abre para la sociedad y la literatura con la llegada de la democracia en España en 1978 hasta la actualidad. Testigo esencial fue la solicitud a la CEE para una eventual integración de España en el Mercado Común el año 1962, en el que se inicia la larga ruta de la eupeización que culminará en 1986, con su ingreso en la Comunidad Europea.