Reflections After Coming Home

Coming home from such large experiences always trigger a period of required rest for me. I tend to return and collapse into a minimum of a week of recuperation, sometimes longer. This adjustment period is a mix of many things: recovery from burnout, culture shift, and just the sheer need to process the beauty and magnitude of my time abroad. Thankfully, I know this about myself and am able to make the return home an easier process than my arrival in a foreign country. My biggest recommendation for students returning home is to be kind and honest with yourself.

Challenging Preconceptions in the Land of Teraanga: NGO Work and French Study in Senegal

When I decided to intern in Senegal for two months this spring, I didn’t quite know what to expect. It would be my first time in Africa and my first visit to a French-speaking country, despite having only taken one term of French prior to boarding the plane there. And yet it was with excitement and optimism—though not without a smidge of trepidation—that I committed to two months of NGO work and intensive French study in a country that I knew little about. So why did I choose to do my GlobalWorks internship in Senegal in the first place?