Wine in Italy and the Western World

In the context of the history and culture of Italy, wine is not only a beloved drink but forms an essential part of Italian civilization. From the study of wine students will learn about the practices of earlier cultures, about Italian values and our own. This course will explore various aspects of wine civilization in Italy: mythology, religion, economy, society, history, art, literature, in order to provide students with a unique perspective on wine and Italy today.

The Play’s The Thing: Pre-Freshman

The aim of this course is to encourage students to learn about theatre and how it works. In the theatre we willingly agree to believe in a carefully constructed pretence, so the audience’s contribution to each performance is crucial. Once we have joined an audience we allow ourselves to be manipulated and the experience may help us to know when we are being manipulated against our wills. The theatre is a place of learning and there we learn most about ourselves, our desires, our fears, our prejudices.

Survival Spanish in Rosario

Está dirigido a estudiantes que hayan completado al menos el nivel 202. Durante este curso los estudiantes afianzan los conocimientos adquiridos, aprenden técnicas para mejorar su fluidez e incorporan vocabulario y estructuras. El curso se complementa en forma concomitante con el Seminario de Gramática Española 3 a fin de llevar a la práctica oral los temas trabajados en la clase de Gramática.

Berlin and the Digital Music Era

Over the past 20 years Berlin has become a thriving crossroads at the intersection of music and technology. It serves as the hub of techno/electronic music and dance culture, and as the home of leading music software developers such as Abelton. Berlin sets the trends in the fast-changing technological world. This course will examine significant developments in music and technology, such as Virtual Studio Technology (VST), Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), and digital distribution.

Cross-Cultural Communication and Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Oviedo

This course will help you develop basic skills enabling you to better process your intercultural experience in Oviedo. This will be accomplished by first making students aware of the cultural baggage they have brought with them and the implicit assumptions that they use in understanding Spanish life and culture as it is lived around you each day.

Direct Enroll Courses at the University of Oviedo

Students have the option of directly enrolling in one to two courses at the University of Oviedo. Students who select direct enroll courses will take fewer courses at the ELE language institute. Syllabi are available upon request and all courses are taught in Spanish. Direct enroll courses are available in the following departments: Spanish Language and Literature, Classic and Romance Languages, and Modern Languages and Literature, Art History, Geography, History and Philosophy.

Oral Expression (Intermediate I and II, Advanced I and II)

Como su propio nombre indica, esta asignatura es de carácter fundamentalmente oral, lo que significa que, más que nunca, los estudiantes serán protagonistas directos de su propio aprendizaje. Para ello, en cada clase, se dotará al estudiante de una serie de estrategias y técnicas de carácter oral para que, tras una fase de imitación y práctica controlada, sea capaz de elaborar sus propios textos de una forma autónoma.

Spanish Art History (Intermediate and Advanced)

Este curso ofrece una visión general de la Historia del Arte Español desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días, atendiendo preferentemente a aquellos estilos artísticos con los que el alumno pueda tener mayor contacto: Prerrománico Asturiano, Gótico, Cubismo, Surrealismo. Igualmente se prestará mayor atención a las obras de los grandes maestros pictóricos españoles: Velázquez, Goya, Picasso, Dalí, Miró. Las clases teóricas serán complementadas con visitas a los Museos y Monumentos Artísticos de la zona.