Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 3-Pouvoirs

Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente.Ce cours No. 3 est axé sur les problèmes de l'exercice du pouvoir politique qui sont spécifiques à la France d'aujourd'hui.

Mythes et Fondements del la Société Française 4–Cultures

Ce cours est l'un de quatre cours (deux par semestre) réservés aux étudiants d'échange qui proposent une approche inter-disciplinaire (utilisant des apports et des sources provenant des sciences-politiques, de l'ethnologie, de la sociologie, de l'histoire…) permettant aux étudiants de mieux comprendre les fondements de la société française contemporaine et d'appréhender ses problèmes socio-culturels actuels de manière pertinente.Ce cours No.

Wine in Italy and the Western World

In the context of the history and culture of Italy, wine is not only a beloved drink but forms an essential part of Italian civilization. From the study of wine students will learn about the practices of earlier cultures, about Italian values and our own. This course will explore various aspects of wine civilization in Italy: mythology, religion, economy, society, history, art, literature, in order to provide students with a unique perspective on wine and Italy today.

Spanish Society and Culture (Intermediate and Advanced)

Esta asignatura está estructurada en diferentes bloques y unidades, de extensión variable, que abordan algunos de los aspectos más destacables de la realidad lingüística, social, política y económica de España. La distribución en unidades responde a una concepción homogénea donde la estructura de los contenidos que se abordan es similar.Syllabus available upon request, email

Spain and Its Role in the European Union

This course gives a broad vision of the present situation of Spain and the countries that currently make up the European Union. At the same time, the institutions and the government agencies of the European Union are studied to understand the reach and future possibilities that this supranational organization offers as a united block immersed in today's world. Lastly, we will analyze the single currency, the Euro, and its impact on the economic future of the “Euro Zone” and the rest of the world’s economic powers.In the Spring Semester and Spring Quarter this course is offered in Block B.

Spanish Culture and Civilization: Contemporary Spain

This course is a historical, political, social and cultural journey through authentic Spain up to the twentieth century. You will familiarize yourself with the Spanish idiosyncrasies and the special and original characteristics of this country and its people. You will also get to know the concerns of the Spaniards (terrorism, unemployment and immigration [CIS survey June 2004]) and understand their causes.In the Spring Semester this course is offered in Block A.

Criminal Justice in Rosario

Throughout history some behaviors have been qualified as criminal and societies have found different ways of punishing them. Still, crime is a current issue and states and international institutions have worked unsuccessfully trying to find and provide solutions. As of late, global society has brought the tension between development and poverty to a critical point and responses in general point to the segregation and discrimination of many people and absolute disdain for human rights.

Global Culture

Culture surrounds us. The movies we watch, the clothes we wear, the stories we tell, and the music we listen to all contribute to our individual and collective identities. For much of human history, culture has been shaped by our local environments, but today we live in a time in which commodities, bodies, and information flow easily across borders.

Global Civil Society

The guiding questions of this course are: What is the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs, the international term for nonprofit organizations) in helping to empower people and support advocacy around the world? What is the shape and scope of civil society organizations in South America compared to the United States and globally?  How do these organizations emerge and evolve over time?

Nonprofits and Social Change in Argentina

The guiding questions of this course are: What is the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs, the international term for nonprofit organizations) leading social movement in Argentina? What is the shape of social movements in South America? How do these organizations emerge and evolve over time? What are some of the leading questions facing social movements and social movement organizations?