International Conflict and Cooperation: Britain, the European Union, and Brexit

This course will introduce you to important concepts of international relations by examining Britain’s dynamic relationship with the European Union. The course will begin with a brief review of the United Kingdom’s role in World War II. That war and its devastation provides the backdrop against which the European Union developed. The EU’s development illustrates how states seek to promote international cooperation to counter the tendency of the international system to produce international conflict and war.

Contemporary British Politics

This course examines three of the most pronounced - and to many observers, surprising - developments in British politics over the last few years:Brexit, the decision to leave the European Union: why was the referendum held; why did 'leave' win when opinion polls pointed to a 'remain' victory; how is withdrawal being negotiated and conducted; and how does this reshape British politics?The opposition Labour party's swing to the left: in Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party has the most left-wing leader in its history, who appeals particularly to the young.What's lies behind this left-wing neo-populis

Britain Today: Issues and Perspectives (Summer)

This is the core course of the GEO London semester. There are two blocks: the British Present and the British Past. As their names suggest, they deal with contemporary British politics and society and with key formative moments in English history. While there is a formal structure to the course we will not live in isolation from the world outside. There will certainly be events which illustrate or contradict what has been discussed in class: you are encouraged to bring your thoughts on these into class discussions.

GLBL 388: Contemporary Britain in a Global Setting

This course examines contemporary British politics and society. We will discuss the commanding themes in British politics and public life and look at their historical context. The course provides an introduction to the principal institutions, parties and issues in British politics. This will extend to consideration of key social issues - including race and diversity and aspects of popular culture from broadcasting to sport, from music to the monarchy.