The Art of Neuroscience

Join Dr. Nicole Dudukovic in Siena, Italy, for "The Art of Neuroscience in Italy," a unique interdisciplinary course that explores the human brain's perceptual abilities through the lens of Italian art and science. Delve into the contributions of Italian neuroscientists and the field of neuroaesthetics, examining how brain perception influences our experience of art and music. The course covers neural structures, visual and auditory systems, and the impact of neurological disorders on art, culminating in a mix of interactive lectures, discussions, excursions, and student projects.

Psychology of a Meaningful Life

This course will approach the science of a meaningful life with three major themes in mind: (1) the scientific basis of a meaningful life; (2) cultural variations in approaches to a meaningful life; and (3) implementing practices into one's own life to promote happiness, meaningfulness, and wellbeing. This course will help you think more carefully about core aspects of human well-being apply to your own life.

Global Mental Health and Development

This course will explore the subject of human mental health and development in populations around the world, with additional emphasis on the role that development during childhood plays in shaping long-term health, illness, and well-being of both the individual and their societies. We will examine a collection of global health problems deeply rooted in rapidly changing social structures and that transcend national and other administrative boundaries. Although taught from a psychological perspective, this course is necessarily interdisciplinary.

Community Psychology

This course introduces you to some of the basic principles of community psychology, community research, types and models of prevention, psychological sense of community, and strategies for community intervention and social change.  Topical issues such as education, sanitation, and health will be discussed.  The basic goal is simply to apply the principles of psychology so that we can understand community life more fully and try to make it better. 

Managing People in Organizations

One of the defining elements of modern life is that we spend a great deal of time working in or interacting with organizations, as an employee, vendor, volunteer, customer, client or citizen. Understanding the behavior of individuals and teams in organizations, and the ways organizational structure and culture shapes that behavior, will make you more effective in all of these roles.