
Day 1: Here I am a middle aged woman going back to school obtaining concurrent masters degrees and participating in GEO study aboard program for SE Asia NGOs. I attended this class for two reasons: the first is to get a deeper look into SE Asia NGOs and how they run their organization. The second reason I attend the study abroad program was to live a dream I have had since I was a little girl. I always wanted to travel abroad, however when I was younger, I did not have the confidence or self-esteem to peruse a study abroad course. Now I feel confident in my studies and most important confidence in myself.  However, I did have initial issues that I was too old to complete a study abroad class. Then, started the trip as a much older person and felt insecure the first day of arrivals due to everyone being in their 20’s and so young.  Then I realized WAIT, I am not going to feel sorry for myself and consider myself as having valuable experience. I need to keep my head held high throughout the rest of my life and not just for this program. I told myself I can use you my experience to hopefully help provide insight to the others who many not have the experience I have.  

I arrived several days before the program started, which helped me to get acquainted with the host country before the program started. BTW I highly recommend arriving early and experiencing how your host country addresses transportation and other cultural nuisances. Such as finding out that the greetings you use in Thai are based on your gender. So, to say “Hello” and “Thank You” is different for male to female. This insight will not only build self-confidence but will get you acquainted with your new host country.  Arriving a few days early allowed me to walk around Chaing Mia, Thailand and experience what the city provides. It is ok to get lost then find your way back. I would start with the area that is around your hotel then go out of that comfort Zone.  

First day we had an orientation from CIS Abroad program advisors. We started right away with understanding the culture and how to utilize Thai language. Everyone that is part of the CIS Abroad program has been amazing and willing to help us through any kind of issues we may have during the trip.  

By Hope Clifton, Diverse Ducks Ambassador

NGOs in SE Asia, Summer 2023

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Learning and Growing in SE Asia