Returning to the U.S. after my study abroad experience in Siena was truly a whirlwind of emotions. The transition from the cobblestone streets and rich culture of Italy to the familiarity of home was very bittersweet. I remember feeling exhausted from the journey yet eager to reunite with my loved ones and share my adventures. Adjusting to life back home (although initially challenging), was eased by summer break which allowed me time to reflect and readjust. One piece of advice I would offer to anyone returning from studying abroad is to give yourself the grace of time. It's natural to feel a sense of displacement as you think about all your transformative experiences abroad while trying to get back into the routines of home. Taking moments to reflect on your journey, relax, and slowly reintegrate into your life back home can make the transition smoother. In many ways, returning home was more difficult than arriving in Siena. While my arrival was filled with anticipation and excitement for the unknown, leaving felt like saying goodbye to a newfound sense of independence and community. I cherish the memories of my apartment, the friendships I made, and the exhilarating feeling of exploring so many new countries. Studying abroad stretched me far beyond my comfort zone, exposing me to a different language and culture where I had to navigate unfamiliar situations daily.
As a Black woman, it also brought challenges of encountering discrimination, which sadly echoed some experiences I've faced back home in the U.S. It put into perspective for me that unfortunately there are many places in the world where people aren’t exposed or accepting of diverse individuals and that as a Black woman I need to always keep my own safety in mind and understand that what might be said or done to me is not a consequence of my own being but instead a reflection of ignorance of the other person. During my time abroad, my identities have been shaped by these experiences in profound ways. Despite some negative experiences, I emerged with a strengthened pride in my identity as a Black woman, embracing how my uniqueness brought a new perspective to the table. It reinforced my belief in the power of diversity and the importance of creating inclusive spaces wherever I go. For anyone hesitant about studying abroad, especially those who share similar identities with me, I would encourage you to seize the opportunity. Yes, there may be challenges, but the personal growth and cultural enrichment outweigh any uncertainties. Surround yourself with supportive friends, utilize the resources available through your program, and embrace the chance to broaden your perspective and travel the world. My study abroad journey has left an incredible mark on my life. It taught me resilience, deepened my cultural understanding, and even strengthened my thoughts about my own identity. As I look back, I am unbelievably grateful for the experiences that have shaped me and I am so excited for the future adventures that lie ahead, both at home and abroad.
By Isabelle de Klerk, Diverse Ducks Ambassador
Food, Culture, and Sustainability in Siena, Spring 2024