
How Studying Abroad Can Impact Your Personal and Career Growth

Studying abroad can be an exhilarating experience filled with adventure, challenges, and exposure to new perspectives and ways of life. However, returning home, or even deciding to study abroad can feel daunting. Here are some ways studying abroad has helped benefit my career and personal development:  

Adaptability and Problem-Solving

Navigating a new country and adjusting to the social norms and language barriers can feel overwhelming at times. However, learning to adapt to challenges and do things out of your comfort zone gives you the knowledge and resilience to adapt more quickly to new environments and effectively address problems. As someone who’s not used to using public transportation in cities, navigating train and subway/metro systems was definitely a challenge at first. With time, and a few mishaps, I learned how to navigate public transportation, while also going with the flow and remaining composed when problems would arise. This has helped me thrive in high-pressure social and professional settings. 

Communication and Networking Skills

Studying abroad provides various opportunities to enhance your communication skills and build a global network. Overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers straps you with the skills to better understand different cultures and find different ways to make meaningful connections with people around the world. While speaking another language and adapting to new traditions was difficult at times, I became more comfortable speaking to others and finding new ways to express myself - with the help of Spanish dictionary, of course. The people I’ve met abroad have inspired me to travel to new places alone and have connected me to various professional networks and careers. During my time in Switzerland, I met a woman in my hostel who had recently entered a career path I was interested in exploring. She gave me a lot of tips and invaluable professional insight, which ultimately inspired me to pursue a GlobalWorks internship in that field! 


Living in a foreign country allows you to become more independent and self-reliant. Making decisions on your own and navigating unfamiliar places and systems without the support systems you’re used to teaches you to trust in yourself and foster more confidence in your own abilities. I found more comfort in doing things by myself and taking new opportunities in new places that I never would’ve considered before. This pushed me to go on more spontaneous adventures and do more solo traveling during my time in Europe and after I graduate. 

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that can leave a lasting mark on your career trajectory and personal growth. From broadening your worldview and global network to enhancing your problem-solving and communication skills, there isn’t much that studying abroad won’t do for you. It’s a decision you won’t regret! 

By Brynli Nelson

Spanish Language and Culture in Segovia, Summer 2022

GlobalWorks Internship in Lisbon, Summer 2023
