Music, Arts, and Culture in London

London’s vibrant cultural life and history provide the setting for an immersive three-week course exploring music performed throughout this world capitol. From the serenity of Evensong to the raucousness of a West End musical, students will engage with a wide variety of musical genres throughout the course. Students will learn to listen critically and analytically to music originating from a wide variety of historical eras and born from diverse circumstances. An interdisciplinary approach will encourage students to consider music in relation to the art and culture surrounding its creation.

Global Culture

Culture surrounds us. The movies we watch, the clothes we wear, the stories we tell, and the music we listen to all contribute to our individual and collective identities. For much of human history, culture has been shaped by our local environments, but today we live in a time in which commodities, bodies, and information flow easily across borders.

Global Strategy

For much of the past century, strategic communications have largely reflected local sensibilities. Radio and television disseminated local knowledge while advertising encouraged consumers to buy national products. Today, this process has become more global in nature. Advertising and PR practitioners play an active role in re-defining community based less on fixed spatial concepts and more on global patterns of consumption. In such a diverse landscape, advertisers and public relations practitioners must craft a range of messages intended to reach audiences living in diverse parts of the world.

Global Civil Society

The guiding questions of this course are: What is the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs, the international term for nonprofit organizations) in helping to empower people and support advocacy around the world? What is the shape and scope of civil society organizations in South America compared to the United States and globally?  How do these organizations emerge and evolve over time?

Nonprofits and Social Change in Argentina

The guiding questions of this course are: What is the role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs, the international term for nonprofit organizations) leading social movement in Argentina? What is the shape of social movements in South America? How do these organizations emerge and evolve over time? What are some of the leading questions facing social movements and social movement organizations?

Global Impact of Sports

This course is embedded into the 2018 Undergraduate Global Impact of Sports Study Tour to London in partnership with Arsenal FC.Core to understanding the sports business industry is a deep understanding of the global impact of sports across a range of critical topics – issues on sustainability, cultural impact, economic impact, geopolitical factors, social issues, and peace.Students will immerse themselves in real world challenges provided by Arsenal FC along with other industry engagement while examining both the micro and macro impacts of sporting events and their related infrastructure.

Global Sports Business and Society

This course is embedded into the 2018 Undergraduate Global Impact of Sports Study Tour to London in partnership with Arsenal FC.Global Sports Business and myriad intersections with society are an emerging area of study that focus on the management and cross-cultural context of sport and the issues / challenges that surface when sport is examined through an international lens.

Independent Research

This course offers students individualized, applied learning opportunities to explore and clarify career goals, apply theory, acquire new skills, gain experience, further investigate topics of interest, and improve teamwork through an organized group research activity.