Ciao, Siena! History, Art, and Ecology

Embark on a transformative academic journey in Siena, Italy, exploring captivating courses that delve into diverse facets of history, culture, and societal bonds.

Discover the lesser-known historical ties between Siena and the Silk Road networks that have bridged Europe and Asia for centuries. Unveil the cultural imprints on Italian cuisine, art, and fashion stemming from both European and Asian influences.

Introduction - Interning in Tokyo

Hi travelers, I’m Zoe! This spring term, I am thrilled to be living in Tokyo, Japan doing a data science internship with a software company called Dataseed that specializes in sustainable and equitable AI.  

As a queer woman in a male-dominated field, I find meeting people with similar identities on my professional path difficult. In Japan, it is even trickier; as the country has a more socially conservative culture and less legally protected queer community. 

Navigating Japan knowing no Japanese

When I moved to Japan for my spring term, the extent of my language proficiency was 72 “days” of Duolingo Japanese. I was ready to take on language exchange, excited by the prospect of leaving with a solid, beginner-level Japanese skillset. However, I have lived here for a month now and my Japanese skill remains the same as when I arrived - maybe even worse because I stopped using Duo.  

Reflecting on My Study Abroad Journey: Embracing Diversity, Overcoming Challenges, and Finding Growth

As I sit down to reflect on my study abroad journey, I can't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. It's been an incredible adventure, filled with breathtaking sights, enriching experiences, and valuable lessons. Yet, it hasn't been without its challenges, particularly as an African American woman navigating a new culture and facing instances of discrimination. 

Loving my Time Abroad

I am loving my time abroad more than ever the past few weeks. I had an adjustment period where I missed home and my connections in Eugene, however there was a turning point when I began to feel close with others in my program here. Here in Madrid, the students have single dorm rooms. I was excited for this at first, but the first few weeks I did find myself a bit lonely. I started to realize I needed to take every opportunity to spend time with others, especially since my internship is a bit challenging socially (only 1 English speaker).