Globalization and Urbanization: China's Urban Transformation and What It Means for the World

This course introduces students to the recent literature on China's immense urban transformation process, spatial restructuring and urban problems it causes. Much of the course focuses on the post-1978 period, which fundamentally differs from the preceding 30 years of state socialism. The topics are mainly divided into three parts. Part 1 is on the process and the uniqueness of urbanization in China. Issues such as the socialist ideology, the household registration (hukou) system, rural-urban migration and globalization will be discussed.

Hispanic Heritage

Este curso ha sido especialmente diseñando para los llamados hablantes de herencia, aquellos que a través de la interacción familiar fueron criados en un país de lengua no hispana pero en un ambiente de gran conexión cultural con el español. Estos estudiantes han crecido oyendo y, posiblemente hablando, en español en su entorno familiar, pero se sienten más cómodos en el idioma dominante de su país. No obstante, poseen una elevada motivación para perfeccionar su idioma “de herencia” y buscan una reconexión con sus raíces familiares.

History of Spain (Intermediate and Advanced)

Este curso ofrece una visión general de la Historia de España desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días, atendiendo preferentemente a aquellos hechos, etapas o personajes que para el alumno puedan ser de mayor interés. Los contenidos teóricos se expondrán oralmente y estarán apoyados con presentaciones en Power Point, vídeos, mapas, gráficos o textos adaptándolos a su nivel idiomático. Se estimulará la participación activa del alumno, no sólo en el aula con exposición de comentarios y opiniones sino también desarrollando trabajos escritos y orales.

Human Rights in Latin America

This is a survey course covering the history, theory, and practice of human rights in Latin America. Emphasis will be placed on the normative context within which human rights discourses develop, followed by an explanation of how and why legal institutions support (or inhibit) the protection of human rights in local contexts throughout the region. Drawing on the instructor's legal background, students will also be introduced to the practice of human rights law in relevant domestic and international contexts, with a special emphasis on the Inter-American Human Rights System (e.g.

Human Rights in Rosario

This course will address the evolution of human rights, with special emphasis on Argentina and the rest of Latin America. The preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) states: “Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” The aim of the seminar is to analyze the concept and the principal characteristics of the human rights declaration. Latin America has a unique history regarding human rights.

Immigration, Nationalism and Border Politics in Spain and Morocco

This course is designed to provide in depth study regarding the history of immigration to Spain in general, its repercussions on society, and the relationship between Spanish and Moroccan communities in Spain and Morocco. We will study the historical and present day migratory movement of Moroccan citizens toward the Iberian Peninsula. This migration has been present for centuries, and still is today, creating one of the oldest and numerous communities in Spain. Commercial, political and labor relations have always been important, and will be studied along with borders and foreign relations.

Rosario Internship

Internships integrate theory and practice through planned, supervised work experience. A key component of a student’s professional development is the ability to apply what has been learned as a university student, to the world of work. This course offers students individualized, applied learning opportunities to explore and clarify career goals, apply theory, acquire new skills, gain experience, network with professionals, and improve Spanish language proficiency.

Intensive Oxford Tutorial

Six to eight quarter credits.An eight-week, very Intensive Oxford Tutorial course, taught in the Oxford style by a regular Oxford tutor. The tutorial will be in a subject selected from a list of 130+ diverse options, presumably but not necessarily in the your major. In some cases, self-selected tutorial topics can be arranged for this "bigger" tutorial course, though not all subjects are available.

Intensive Spanish for Healthcare Professionals in Oviedo

This intensive Spanish course is aimed at persons who work or intend to work in the health care related field.  Rather than only teaching standard terminology, classes offered incorporate common dialect variants,  a as well as aspects of Latino culture that can impact the patient’s health and interaction with the medical system. Students are taught techniques and strategies for effective communication with Latino patients in a medical setting.