Cultural Landscape Documentation and Analysis

International concern for significant cultural landscapes has expanded in recent years. This course teaches the principles, methods and tools of cultural landscape documentation and analysis, engaging a number of sites in Beijing and Hangzhou for the theoretical and practical application of cultural landscape principles. The focus is on the interaction of cultural and natural systems, and analyzing the manner in which human activity has shaped significant heritage landscapes.

Heritage Conservation Planning and Design

Landscape of heritage have great meaning for peoples across the globe. This course explores the meaning, significance, design, and future of heritage landscapes in China, with attention to landscapes designed and built in Beijing and Hangzhou during various dynasties.This course includes readings, field exploration and analysis, and the development of planning and design concepts for the protection and conservation of these significant landscapes and heritage sites in the context of contemporary China.

Business Administration Leadership & Communication

Business Leadership and Communication involves the use of interpersonal skills and strategies to become an effective business leader. This course dives into a subset of skills that hone in on using professionalism to establish connections with those in other organizations, while building and maintaining an effective, goal-oriented team. We examine the context in which business leaders build beneficial networks around their teams and propel their organizations into the future.

Cross-Cultural Business Communication

All over the world organizations are finding themselves increasingly engaged in cross-cultural communication, whether they are doing business in another country, sourcing products from abroad, managing an increasingly multicultural workforce at home, or appealing to customers from a variety of cultural backgrounds. As a result, intercultural communication skills are not a distant need for the future, but a real need right now in the workplace. Singapore has a particularly vibrant community that provides us the insight and experience to interact with a culturally-potent business environment.

Social Psychology

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to the field of Social Psychology. Social psychology is the scientific study of the way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the social context—real or imagined. Social psychology seeks to understand individuals’ subjective experiences and the way those experiences impact our behavior. We will discuss topics such as how we come to know and understand ourselves, how attitudes are formed and influence our behavior, and how groups influence our thoughts and actions.


Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experiences mental illness in a given year. Data also suggests that at some point in their lives, 46% of Americans met the criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association for at least one mental illness. As such, this course will focus on a range of mental health conditions that psychologists and psychiatrist commonly offer treatment for.

Individual Differences

This course provides an overview of psychology as it strives to explain how and why people differ, and what implications these differences have. We will examine how important life outcomes, such as health, academic and occupational success, and wellbeing are linked to individual differences in cognition, personality and motivation. The course will introduce the latest scientific findings on the origins of individual differences, focusing on interactive systems of genetic, epigenetic, societal and circumstantial factors, and related psychological processes.

Contemporary Britain in a Global Context

This course examines contemporary British politics and society and is the core course of the GEO London semester. We will discuss the commanding themes in British politics and public life and look at their historical context. The course provides an introduction to the principal institutions, parties and issues in British politics. This will extend to consideration of key social issues - including race and diversity and aspects of popular culture from broadcasting to sport, from music to the monarchy.

EC 470 Monetary Economics

Monetary Economics is the study of monetary and financial variables in the economy, such as money, financial institutions and markets, interest rates, foreign exchange and the price level, and their determinants and interactions.This course aims to introduce students to the theoretical treatment of the flow of funds and its component parts, the importance of monetary policies and the financial markets.

EC 388 Economic Integration of the European Union

The course provides a comprehensive examination of the processes of European integration, and offers a critical analysis of EU’s economic policies in their broader historical, political and economic contexts. This analysis is undertaken in light of the peculiar and often problematic relationship between Britain and its European neighbours, which culminated in the country’s decision in June 2016 to leave the EU altogether; a process commonly referred to as ‘Brexit’.