Queer London

Who we are and what we do, monarchies and museums, churches and brothels, detective novels and Shakespeare’ plays, all are shaped by gender. As one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, London is a great place to explore the workings of gender, race, and social justice in history, society, art, architecture, science, and religion.

Law & Order UK

This course explores a wide variety of British murder mystery novels and TV crime dramas from feminist and critical race perspectives. The selected novels and TV shows are set across an array of historical times and places in England, further affording us opportunity to explore British history and culture, the changing roles of gender, race, and class in the UK throughout the years, and British social institutions and issues such as the legal and penal system, violence, gender and racial equality, employment, and education.

Shakespeare the Dramatist

This course begins with the premise that the plays of Shakespeare are too often taught in the classroom as difficult and rather obscure sacred texts. The aim of this course is to remind you that Shakespeare was not only a great poet, but also a great dramatist, and to show that his plays are still exciting and dynamic as theatre. Consequently, this course is structured around the Shakespeare plays which are currently in production in London and Stratford-upon-Avon, so that Shakespeare can be seen and heard as well as read.

Direct Enroll Courses at the University of Oviedo

Students have the option of directly enrolling in one to two courses at the University of Oviedo. Students who select direct enroll courses will take fewer courses at the ELE language institute. Syllabi are available upon request and all courses are taught in Spanish. Direct enroll courses are available in the following departments: Spanish Language and Literature, Classic and Romance Languages, and Modern Languages and Literature, Art History, Geography, History and Philosophy.

Spanish Literature (Intermediate and Advanced)

Esta asignatura se plantea los siguientes objetivos: aproximar al alumno a la literatura español; conocer con cierta profundidad, algunos autores y sus obras más destacadas; adquirir un nivel adecuado de comprensión, análisis y críticas de los textos; reconocer las características literarias de cada etapa y autor en su obra; advertir y comprender la relación entre el contexto histórico social, el autor y la obra; conseguir un dominio satisfactorio de expresión tanto oral como escrita; fomentar el trabajo en equipo.Syllabus available upon request, email 

Spanish Literature from Dictatorship to Postmodernism (1939-2010)

Esta clase está dedicada al estudio de la literatura española del periodo de la Dictadura de Franco desde 1939, en el tiempo de la postguerra en el que la sociedad española carece de libertades y el contraste con el nuevo periodo que se abre para la sociedad y la literatura con la llegada de la democracia en España en 1978 hasta la actualidad. Testigo esencial fue la solicitud a la CEE para una eventual integración de España en el Mercado Común el año 1962, en el que se inicia la larga ruta de la eupeización que culminará en 1986, con su ingreso en la Comunidad Europea.

Elena Ferrante's Italy: Family Saga & National History

Elena Ferrante's "Neapolitan Quartet" is a sequence of four novels set in the southern city of Naples. This narrative of family saga spans six decades between the end of WW2 and the turn of the 21st century. The books follow the two major characters, Elena and Lila, from childhood to love, sex, marriage, adultery, divorce, as well as through their careers and political awakenings. Their paths shall diverge and reunite as dictated by circumstances and personal decisions.