Spanish for Healthcare Professionals

This course is aimed at persons who work or intend to work in health care related fields. In addition to standard terminology, the class incorporates common dialect variants,  a as well as aspects of Latino culture that can impact the patient’s health and interaction with the medical system. Students are taught techniques and strategies for effective communication with Latino patients in a medical setting. The contents of the of course are based on research conducted in US and Spain medical settings.

Second Year Spanish–Composition

This intensive course is part of a complementary three-class curriculum including Second Year Spanish Grammar and Conversation, which together fulfill the second year of Spanish studies. In this writing course students produce different types of texts, such as: descriptive, narrative, argumentative and expository in Spanish in situations of daily and academic use.

Second Year Spanish–Conversation

This intensive course is part of a three-class complementary curriculum including Second Year Spanish Writing and Grammar, which together fulfill the second year of Spanish studies. In this course students practice intermediate grammar of Spanish with fun oral dynamics so that students develop their production and have confidence speaking in everyday situations.

Spanish History–A2

This course is offered at the 2nd year Spanish (A2) level. It examines the history of Spain from the Paleolithic to the present, focusing on the main political, social, economic and cultural transformations and the different historical moments that form the basis of Spain.