My voice and opinions were valued

The organization that I interned with is a tech start-up called Homer. Homer is a home organization phone application aimed at making the lives of homeowners easier by creating a digital home binder in which users can input all their home appliances, manuals, maintenance schedules etc. I worked in marketing for the company; however, they do not currently have a marketing department due to the nature of being a start-up. 

With this being my first internship, I expected to be at the bottom of the totem pole. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. My voice and opinion were valued and more importantly, valuable… I think the environment of Sweden and the diminished gender roles allowed me the ability to feel comfortable in speaking up. Swedes from a young age are taught to speak up, that children and adults are more equal, and that employees and employers are a team rather than a hierarchy.

Overall, I think this experience has opened me up to the business world, given me an idea as to where I will fit and what will satisfy me in my work life in the future. It was truly an unforgettable experience!

Skylar Knitowski

GlobalWorks Internship in Stockholm, Sweden, Summer 2022