Art on the Move

The unique landscape of the Greek islands and the multilayered city of Athens provide the setting for this intensive three-week studio art course. Through a series of lectures, fieldwork, daily excursions to archaeological sites and museums, contemporary galleries and engagement with land and sea, students will have the opportunity to weave their experience of place and consideration of history and art into the practice of making art.

International Conflict and Cooperation: Britain, the European Union, and Brexit

This course will introduce you to important concepts of international relations by examining Britain’s dynamic relationship with the European Union. The course will begin with a brief review of the United Kingdom’s role in World War II. That war and its devastation provides the backdrop against which the European Union developed. The EU’s development illustrates how states seek to promote international cooperation to counter the tendency of the international system to produce international conflict and war.

Contemporary British Politics

This course examines three of the most pronounced - and to many observers, surprising - developments in British politics over the last few years:Brexit, the decision to leave the European Union: why was the referendum held; why did 'leave' win when opinion polls pointed to a 'remain' victory; how is withdrawal being negotiated and conducted; and how does this reshape British politics?The opposition Labour party's swing to the left: in Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour party has the most left-wing leader in its history, who appeals particularly to the young.What's lies behind this left-wing neo-populis

Cross-Cultural Communications/Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Siena Summer

Living in Siena offers you two important learning experiences. The first (more obvious) one concerns Italian life and culture, specifically as it is lived out around you in Siena day by day. What is important to people here? What patterns are woven into their lives? What about their history, their hopes, their daily dilemmas? The second learning opportunity involves coming to understand the cultural baggage that you have (inevitably) brought with you to Siena and the implicit assumptions that you use in understanding Sienese life.

Britain Today: Issues and Perspectives (Summer)

This is the core course of the GEO London semester. There are two blocks: the British Present and the British Past. As their names suggest, they deal with contemporary British politics and society and with key formative moments in English history. While there is a formal structure to the course we will not live in isolation from the world outside. There will certainly be events which illustrate or contradict what has been discussed in class: you are encouraged to bring your thoughts on these into class discussions.

Screenwriting in Ireland

This course is devoted to exploring the ins and outs of feature film screenwriting, with emphasis shown to the crime genre. Through the exploration of the craft, students will acquire an in-depth knowledge and understanding of how to develop a screenplay from core idea to fully finished screenplay.  Students will first learn how to format a screenplay correctly for the industry and then be taken through the process of developing the core idea and theme which is central to the work.

Ghana Today (Summer)

This is an interdisciplinary course designed to study some of the major contemporary issues facing Ghanaian society after 50 years of independence from British colonial rule. If you are interested in sociology, history, political science, economics and cultural studies, you will find this course of particular interest as its subject matter dovetails with each of these related disciplines.

Oral Expression (Intermediate and Advanced)

Se dotará al estudiante de estrategias y técnicas de carácter oral para que, tras una fase de imitación y práctica controlada (más intensa en el nivel intermedio), sea capaz de elaborar sus propios textos.  En el aula se trabajarán recursos de carácter oral como pueden ser la simulaciones, la lectura teatralizada de textos, los trabalenguas o las canciones, se realizarán debates donde los alumnos deberán argumentar para expresar sus puntos de vista, un taller de lectura para mejorar la entonación y la pronunciación, etc.

Spanish Language: Intermediate in Oviedo

El objetivo de este curso es afianzar los conocimientos básicos del alumno y, sobre ellos, acceder a un nivel de compresión y expresión de tipo medio, oral y escrito, que le permita desenvolverse en situaciones corrientes de la vida que no requieran un uso especializado del lenguaje. Presentarle situaciones reales donde pueda poner en práctica sus conocimientos. Capacitar al alumno para un intercambio de informaciones en situaciones comunicativas más generales no estrictamente relacionadas con su experiencia personal.