You will enroll in two or three courses along with your internship placement and required internship seminar.
- Global, Legal, Social Environment of Business (BA 325)
- Cross Cultural Business Communication (BA 361)
- Leadership and Communication (BA 308)
- Economic Integration of the European Union (equivalent to EC 300 level elective)
- Monetary Economics (EC 470)
- (NOTE: EC 311 and EC 313 are prerequisites for EC 470)
- Contemporary Britain in a Global Setting (GLBL 388)
All courses and internship placements are recognized and approved for academic credit by the University of Oregon and the Lundquist College of Business. Courses can satisfy major or minor requirements within Lundquist College of Business, Economics, and General Social Sciences.
London will serve as a classroom as much as the center itself. Academic activities are integrated with excursions, giving you an inside look into the vibrant business culture of the United Kingdom. Courses are taught by British faculty who have experience teaching US students as well as considerable practical experience in the related field they are teaching. Visits to several well-known cultural locations in the city and surrounding area are also planned. All instruction is in English. Courses make use of a variety of materials and texts, all of which are included in the program fee. Students should be prepared for a rigorous academic experience and a busy schedule. Classes and internship placements will run Monday-Friday every week.
For business administration and accounting majors this program may satisfy all three Lundquist College of Business (LCB) Global Context requirements and meet the Cultural Awareness for Business Decisions requirement with LCB academic advisor approval. Please contact an LCB academic advisor for more details about these requirements.
Internship Details
London internships are available in many fields, such as the Arts, Business, Start-ups, Marketing/PR, Financial Services, Hospitality & Tourism, HR, Politics, NGOs, Education, Technology and more! The internship placement requires additional application steps, please click here to learn more about the process. Students participating in an internship can expect the following support during their program:
- Individualized pre-departure consultation meeting
- Pre-Departure Webinar
- On-site Orientation
- Skills-based workshops and networking events
- Mid-term review (student and internship supervisor)
- Final Evaluation (student and internship supervisor)
Due to the competitive nature of internships, it is recommended to work with a study abroad and/or career center advisor to review your resume and prepare for an interview in advance. Some examples of past placements have included:
- Politics: Members of Parliament in Westminster, NGOs, campaigning, research, media
- NGOs and Charities: International and domestic focus, human rights, environmental, marginalized populations (homeless, refugee women, children/youth, former prisoners)
- Health Services: Policy, health clinics, children’s care, medical device sales
- Media: Film festival, production studios, international channel
- Public Relations: Fashion PR, media PR
- Publishing, Literature and Journalism: Publishers, magazines, webzines
- Museums and Galleries: History, art, music, archives
- Performing Arts: House management, stage management, arts management, costuming, lighting, children, orchestra management
- Entrepreneurial Business: Start-up companies in sport, hospitality, technology, graphic design, PR
- Fashion: Clothing designers, bridal, couture, millinery, fancy dress