Spain and Its Role in the European Union

This course gives a broad vision of the present situation of Spain and the countries that currently make up the European Union. At the same time, the institutions and the government agencies of the European Union are studied to understand the reach and future possibilities that this supranational organization offers as a united block immersed in today's world. Lastly, we will analyze the single currency, the Euro, and its impact on the economic future of the “Euro Zone” and the rest of the world’s economic powers.In the Spring Semester and Spring Quarter this course is offered in Block B.

Spanish Language: Advanced in Oviedo

Taught Summer I and Summer IIEste curso se plantea como objetivo la consolidación de los conocimientos del alumno mediante explicaciones teóricas y ejercicios prácticos, atendiendo sobre todo a Los aspectos de la lengua que presentan mayor dificultad. Introducción en las cuestiones más complejas de la gramática. Ampliación del vocabulario. con especial atención al registro coloquial y dialectal (español de España y español de América), y al léxico del comercio y de la economía.

Spanish Grammar and Conversation in Segovia

This is as an intermediate level course that helps consolidate your prior knowledge of the Spanish language helping you acquire confidence, not only in understanding the language, but also in using the target language properly. You will not only have access to the language in a real context, but you will also gain cultural knowledge (traditions and social etiquette) which will help you understand the Spanish speaking world. Your interaction with the instructor will be ongoing in class.This course is offered in Block C of the Spring Quarter.