Spanish Literature: Spain in Crisis–From the Disaster of 1898 to Democracy

In this course you will study Spanish literature around 1898. This was a time of crisis in Spanish society from which a group of writers surfaced that made up the Silver Age of Hispanic arts. The period studied is after the Civil War of 1936 with the censor limitations of Franco. Lastly, authors of the restored democracy will be read and studied.In the Spring Semester and Spring Quarter this course is offered in Block B.

2nd Year Spanish - Conversation in Rosario

In this course, will participate in a series of conversational activities in order to develop their spoken Spanish. Activities will focus on building vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and learning culturally appropriate pragmatic conversation skills (turn taking, conventional turns of phrase, formulaic greetings, etc.). This course requires students to have completed one year of college-level Spanish.

Oral Expression (Intermediate and Advanced)

Se dotará al estudiante de estrategias y técnicas de carácter oral para que, tras una fase de imitación y práctica controlada (más intensa en el nivel intermedio), sea capaz de elaborar sus propios textos.  En el aula se trabajarán recursos de carácter oral como pueden ser la simulaciones, la lectura teatralizada de textos, los trabalenguas o las canciones, se realizarán debates donde los alumnos deberán argumentar para expresar sus puntos de vista, un taller de lectura para mejorar la entonación y la pronunciación, etc.

Spanish Language: Intermediate in Oviedo

El objetivo de este curso es afianzar los conocimientos básicos del alumno y, sobre ellos, acceder a un nivel de compresión y expresión de tipo medio, oral y escrito, que le permita desenvolverse en situaciones corrientes de la vida que no requieran un uso especializado del lenguaje. Presentarle situaciones reales donde pueda poner en práctica sus conocimientos. Capacitar al alumno para un intercambio de informaciones en situaciones comunicativas más generales no estrictamente relacionadas con su experiencia personal.

Advanced Spanish Conversation and Composition in Segovia (Spring Semester)

This course has been designed for students who have already acquired a high level of Spanish and want to move up to mastery level. Specifically, you will practice advanced grammar structures to improve both your written and oral skills. The course also includes a review of advanced vocabulary, mainly the use of idiomatic words and phrases, which allows you to master the skills of the language. This course is based on an eclectic methodology that makes use of different approaches to achieve a complete integration of spanish civilization and culture.

Intensive Spanish (100, 200 or 300 level)

100 level: This course aims to familiarize students with the pronunciation of the Spanish language, with the basic elements of grammar, and with a vocabulary that allows them to develop daily activities. We apply oral and written exercises that promote the development of communicative skills. This type of intensive course is characterized by dynamism and variety of activities in each class.200 level: Students taking this course must achieve skills in the proper use of different verbal tenses.

3rd Year Intensive Spanish- Grammar Review

The present course, Intensive Review Spanish Grammar, aims to recover and systematize students' knowledge about the grammar of Spanish, in order to contribute to the improvement, by advanced students of Spanish as a foreign language, of their communicative competence. Such competence is understood as the dominion and generalized access to a baggage of strategic resources oriented to an effective interaction and communication within the framework of a certain society and its culture.

Survival Spanish 2

This course consists of five modules and was designed for students at an elementary / intermediate level (CEFR A2/B1) who need to learn essential Spanish to face everyday situations as tourists in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Argentina. It focuses on communication rather than grammar, and provides students with basic vocabulary as well as an introduction to the Argentinian culture.