Advanced Media for Design Development (UO ARCH 424/524)

Three credits - Pass/No Pass only.This course is designed to encourage the development of digital media techniques that directly support the architectural design process, and in particular, support design activities in the kinetic architecture design seminar.  The course will consist of two parts:Introduction to Solidworks modeling and analysis for design development. Solidworks is a powerful 3D mechanical design automation software package with integrated 3D modeling and analysis capabilities.

Vancouver Architecture and Urban Design Seminar (UO ARCH 407/507)

Four credits - Pass/No Pass only.This seminar is designed to take advantage of your residency in the unique urban environment of Greater Vancouver.  The seminar will be composed of three interrelated parts:A general study of the architecture and urban design of Vancouver, and a more in-depth study of the history and urban structure of Granville Island, with an emphasis on the on-going urban design and land use planning study.

Architecture Design Studio (UO ARCH 484/584)

Six quarter credits; pass/no pass only.The architectural design project will be a civic building immediately adjacent to the Basilica Palladiana in the center of Vicenza, challenging students to design a new structure in a strong historical context. The project will require the examination of precedents in the region, analysis of the spatial structure of the city and the formulation of a design proposal that shapes both the building and the surrounding public space. Evaluations will be in the form of desk critiques, studio pin-ups, midterm and final reviews.

Town Form: The Piazza (ARCH 407/507)

The urban core of central and northern Italian cities will be the laboratory for this course, studying spatial characteristics of the town as a whole, and places of importance within. The focus of the course will be the study of the piazza. The course will consist of three components:Classes, readings and field outings with media assignments focused on excursion sitesIndividual media assignments, notebooks and essaysTeam projects in which students will investigate the piazza 

Contemporary Urban Design in Barcelona seminar 488/588 (UO ARCH 410/510)

Four credits.This seminar focuses on measuring neighborhood social interaction. It examines fundamental contemporary principles such as the self-sufficiency of city blocks and superblocks, and urban ecology of cities as organisms of interrelated systems. Contextualization of Barcelona urban design is done through studies of neighborhood morphologies in Barcelona, Girona and Granada.

Contemporary Urban Design in Barcelona Seminar (UO ARCH 410/510)

This course teaches the urban design idea of the importance of social interaction and cohesion at the human scale of cities. Fundamental contemporary principles are taught including self-sufficiency of city blocks and superblocks, and urban ecology of cities as organisms of interrelated systems, Contextualization of Barcelona urban design is done through studies of neighborhood morphologies in Barcelona, Girona and Granada.

PPPM: 488/588: Designing Cities for People on Bikes

Study bicycle planning, design, policy, and culture as a sustainable and economically viable form of transportation in key urban locations in Western Europe. This program will focus on the practices and policies that foster safe, convenient, and accessible bicycle infrastructure and the underlying culture that supports a high rate of bicycle use. Explore how and why Denmark and the Netherlands became great places to bike and consider how to make similar changes within the United States.

Barcelona Urban Design Studio (UO ARCH 4/584)

The intermediate architectural design studio that engages the design of streets, plazas and other urban space from the human-scale for the betterment of health. The studio will be integrated with the seminar, media and advanced technology courses and provide an opportunity for students to use urban theory, data and media to inform data driven smart city design. The course will teach students to identify urban problems. They will be research, experience and observe these problem in-situ and remotely.

Advanced Technology and Barcelona Data (UO ARCH 410/510)

This course satisfies the Design Technology requirment for Architecture majors at the University of Oregon.  New data collection and computation techniques provide the opportunity for open, experiential and systematic understanding of site. The use of handheld mobile technology and new inexpensive microprocessors and sensors provides opportunity to bring the power of information to the lowest user level without the influence of larger economic and political forces.