singapore skyline

Finding A New Home In Singapore

Image My month in Singapore was colorful, shining, and beautiful outside and inside. I am so thankful for the opportunity that I was able to spend a month in a country that I think I can call a “New Home.” Image…
Student in Japan

What am I even doing here???

Image Hello my fellow travelers, my name is Joshua Amath Castellanos Ramos. I am a first-generation nontraditional UO senior who thought the best way to end my undergraduate journey was to study abroad! Let’s go Class of 2023!…
Skyline of Amman, Jordan

Living Outside of the Expected Gender Experience in Amman

Image As of this writing, I have now been in the country of Jordan for a month, and find myself surrounded by truly incredible people and fellow students. I live in a building made of tan stones, up the street from a mosque whose call to prayer…
London Skyline

Finding Gratitude & Comfort Abroad

Image In general, my time abroad has been wonderful. I was so nervous going on this program as I had never been to Europe and been away from my family for that long. I did not have many expectations going into the program as I wanted to be open…
Park in London

First-Generation American & College Student Arrives in London

Image Hello, my name is Sarah Shewaye and I identify as a proud first generation American. My father was born and raised in rural Ethiopia and emigrated to Oregon when he was 18. My mother is ethnically half Russian and half Ukrainian and was…
view of Ho Chi Minh City

72 Hours Later: Internship in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Image   Image Image About Me ^-^ Over the years, I have been called many names including Minh Hiêu, PresiDante', and even Pro Nacho Maker. Each name has a unique story that I…
Sunset in Amman

A Guest in Amman

Image Ahlan wa sahlan! Hello and welcome! My name is Abiel Locke (they/she), but I usually introduce myself as Avi. I’m a rising third-year at the U of O and I am studying Arabic in Amman, Jordan for two months. I am a queer and gender…
Aerial view of Siena, Italy

Returning to Eugene After Three Months in Italy

Image When I arrived in Siena, Italy for the first time it felt magical. There were still Christmas lights up in the streets and the Piazza held a stunning tree that twinkled in the night. I was in awe of how any city could be that beautiful,…
Garden in East Anglia

Finding Belonging at University of East Anglia

Image Since being at the University of East Anglia now for the majority of my study abroad period, I have found numerous communities that are entirely welcoming. I joined the Lacrosse society, which was one of my best decisions so far and has…
Skyline of Siena, Italy

Overcoming the Language Barrier in Italy

Image My two months abroad have been some of the best months of my life. While there are definitely some hectic moments, there’s been a lot of calm and peaceful ones as well. Cooking dinner with my roommates is always the highlight of any day…