A boy in Japan

When I first arrived in Japan

When I first arrived in Japan I had a strong desire to strengthen my connection to my Japanese heritage. Despite many challenges, I feel as though I am striving to meet that goal more with each passing day. As I approach the halfway mark of my study abroad at Waseda University, I would like to…
Student Lena Wehn standing next to a tall tree in the Amazon rainforest

Learning to love and cherish the great outdoors

Image I have noticed that Ecuadorians love to be tourists in their own country. Foreign tourism exists but isn’t a massive industry here, so when you visit a town known for its tourism, I estimate that it’s 90% Ecuadorians, 10% international…
Black and white photo of Student, Lena Wehn, against a backdrop of mountains and a lake

A Broadening Experience in Quito, Ecuador

Image Bio: Lena Wehn is an undergraduate at University of Oregon, Clark Honors College in her senior year of study. She is pursuing a multidisciplinary science degree, with concentrations in chemistry and psychology, and a minor in chemistry.…
A girl in North Korea

A Chance to Experience the Korean 빨리 빨리 Life

What a ride, the life of an individual who lives in South Korea is very intense. As a Latina and an Americana I am astonished at the type of lifestyle you live in this country, it is so hard and admirable. My time abroad has been full of lessons and experiences that I am so grateful to be learning…
A city girl day

Arriving in South Korea

Hola! Hello! Bonjour! 아녕아세요!! My name is Julia Jazmin Hernandez-Espinoza and I am Latina-Americana. A born and raised Oregonian but definitely not a natural hiker! Currently at the University of Oregon, I am in my fourth year and this fall term I am studying abroad at Korea University which is a…
study abroad students making an O shape with their hands

Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream of Traveling Abroad

Image Day 1: Here I am a middle aged woman going back to school obtaining concurrent masters degrees and participating in GEO study aboard program for SE Asia NGOs. I attended this class for two reasons: the first is to get a deeper look…
group of study abroad students posing with peace signs

Learning and Growing in SE Asia

Image   My study abroad program, NGOs of SE Asia, has exceeded any expectations I may have had for the program. When I started the study abroad program, I had few expectations, to ensure that I did not get disappointed if things did not…
Image of ancient ruins in Jordan

Reflections After Coming Home

Coming home from such large experiences always trigger a period of required rest for me. I tend to return and collapse into a minimum of a week of recuperation, sometimes longer. This adjustment period is a mix of many things: recovery from burnout, culture shift, and just the sheer need to process…
Queretaro skyline at night

Getting Lost in Querétaro

Image   Image My study abroad experience in Querétaro, México, was an incredible and humbling experience. There was so much to learn and love, with, at times, an overwhelming number…
Coast view

Transitioning Home After 7 Weeks Abroad

Image   Image I have been back in the U.S. for five days after traveling Europe for seven weeks. Before my program ended and my additional travel began, one of our teachers briefed us…