Studying abroad has the power to challenge, transform, and inspire students no matter where they go or what they study. Most students who study abroad say it was the best experience of their time in college. From Art History to Computer Science, and everything in between, there are over 150 programs that can meet your academic needs and travel goals.

Application Process »  |  Student Stories »  |  Scholarships »  |  #GEOabroad »

Questions? Email us at geoinfo@uoregon.edu

Application Process

Don't worry, your GEO application is nothing like applying to college! In fact, applying to study abroad is easy and fast. Once you have selected a program that fits your interests and academic requirements, you can submit an online application. Each program page has an “Start an Application” button that will take you to the application login page for the program.

Application Deadlines

Winter quarter Japan or Summer Exchange Spring quarter Fall, Spring & academic year Exchange Summer term Fall quarter
11/15 1/1 1/15 2/1 2/15-3/15 4/15 - 5/15

*Some program application deadlines vary by program. Please verify deadlines on the web page for the programs you are interested in.

Applications to most programs are reviewed on a rolling basis in the order they are submitted, which means some programs may fill before the deadline has passed. We encourage all students to apply for their first-choice study abroad program as early as possible. We strongly recommend students consider one or two back-up programs in case space is not available in their first-choice program.

Most students say it takes them less than an hour to finish a study abroad application!

For more information about the application process, email us at geoinfo@uoregon.edu.

1. Application Materials
Applications for most GEO programs will require you to complete brief questionnaires, an application essay, and signature documents. It's free to apply! 
2. Application Review
After you have applied, your application will be reviewed by GEO staff. Following an initial review, you will be invited to an on-campus interview or applicant Zoom meeting. You can check your application status at any time via the GEO portal.
3. Admissions Decision
You will receive an admission decision following your interview or applicant meeting. Students interested in exchange programs will also receive an admissions decision from the host university for the program.

*If you are applying to an exchange program or a program offered through a third-party provider like IE3 Global, you will need to complete a second application.

total uo students that studied
or interned abroad in 2018-19
study abroad programs
available to UO students
percentage of the 2019 graduating
class who studied abroad


Student Stories

Image Anna Kien approved Anna Kien
Image Fox Melo Fox Melo


Study Abroad Scholarships

There are pver 40 scholarships available to support international experiences. From distinguished scholarships like the Gilman or Boren to scholarships for certain majors. Many students can also use their financial aid to pay for study abroad.

See all Scholarships

Image Anna Kien approved

Anna Kien

Program: Yonsei University Exchange
Major: Business Administration
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Term: Spring Semester 2021

“Constantly learning something new”

"I originally applied to the Yonsei Exchange program for one semester but decided to extend for a second semester for various reasons! I fell in love with both the country and the people here in South Korea.  From both professors and classmates, locals and strangers - I have met some of the nicest and most open-minded individuals and am grateful to call some of these people my closest friends and for the many unforgettable memories I have made with them. Not only did I learn lots about the language, culture, and history of South Korea but also that of many other students from around the world as well. In addition, the lifestyle as an exchange student in such a huge city like Seoul was something I did not want to let go of just yet.  I love the independence I have here, being able to integrate myself in a culture so different from my own, and learning more about myself and the world around me, I am constantly learning something new and am able to push myself out of my comfort zone every day. I would never be able to have such an experience if I didn’t get out of Eugene!"

Explore the Program

Image Fox Melo

Fox Melo

Program: Advancing Your Academic Success: Pre-Freshman
Major: Marine Biology
Location: London, UK
Term: Summer 2021

“From taking the Tube to trying local restaurants”

"The Pre-freshman program in London was a fantastic opportunity for me. Getting to meet my fellow students before coming to Oregon in the fall gave me confidence. From visiting actual historical locations while learning about the history of London to watching plays while studying them, the classes were engaging and certainly more than 'book learning'. I learned so much and enjoyed being able to spend time finding out what it is like to live in a foreign city from taking the tube to trying local restaurants. What an amazing experience! I look forward to studying abroad again during my time at the UO."

Explore the Program

Image Grace Murray

Grace Murray

Program: Journalism in London & Music, Arts and Culture in London
Major: Journalism
Location: London, UK
Term: Summer 2021

“I gained so much independence and confidence”

“Studying abroad has broadened my horizons academically, professionally and personally beyond my wildest expectations. During my time abroad I met with professionals in my field of interest and made life long connections that will truly benefit my future career. While learning to navigate life in a new city I gained so much independence and confidence. I was initially worried about COVID safety while traveling abroad but with all of the precautions in place I never felt unsafe. Even with the changes that have come with COVID traveling abroad was the best decision I could have made. The experiences I had while studying abroad were life changing and absolutely unforgettable. COVID may have changed some things but the experience is still just as amazing and impactful.“

Explore the Journalism Program

Explore the Music Program

Image Pablio Macias

Pablo Macias

Program: Business and Psychology in London
Major: Psychology
Location: London, UK
Term: Spring Quarter 2021

“A very diverse city”

Right off that bat, as soon as you start talking to people in London, as soon as they hear our accent they kind of pause for a second and confirm that you’re an American and then it's a whole long conversation about cultural differences which is really fun. There isn't really a language barrier [in the UK] but there are tons of different cultures, and London is a very diverse city.

As for studying abroad during COVID, it’s really worked out well. Right now there’s like a million less people in the UK in general so the streets are not crowded, it’s not a tense atmosphere at all, we’re free to go where we want and experience the local scene. It’s been a blast, it’s a big city with a lot to do!

Explore the Program


Share your moments and see what other Ducks are doing abroad by using #GEOabroad.